The Immune System Overview
The immune system is one of the miracles of nature. The first order of our immune system is to
recognize what is us and what is not us---what should be in our bodies and what should not---and
then to destroy or otherwise neutralize anything harmful. Although our bodies are equipped with
a number of protective measures to prevent viruses and bacteria from entering, they come via
external influences as well as through abnormal cell mutations within our bodies. Bacteria and
viruses are the organisms most often responsible for attacking our bodies. Bacteria are complete
organisms that reproduce by cell division. Viruses, on the other hand, cannot reproduce on their
own. They need a host cell. They hijack body cells of humans or other species, and trick them
into producing new viruses that can then invade other cells.
As our bodies face and fight the daily battle to keep us healthy, we generally go along our daily
lives without paying much attention to this war going on within our bodies. Our fearless army, the
immune system, has highly developed over time to protect most of us most of the time. Our
immune system is composed of two different sub-immune systems: cell-mediated and humoral.
As our bodies face and fight the daily battle to keep us healthy, we generally go along our daily
lives without paying much attention to this war going on within our bodies. Our fearless army, the
immune system, has highly developed over time to protect most of us most of the time. Our
immune system is composed of two different sub-immune systems: cell-mediated and humoral.
Humoral immunity includes specific antibody production by B cells and their related subtypes
called plasma cells. Antibodies are produced as a specific response to an infection to assist in the
control and eradication of the invader. Humoral immunity is important for certain types of bacteria,
and some viruses. This type of immunity is the basis for vaccinations.
Why Add Additional Protection to Our Immune System?
Although the body’s immune system is a miracle system, it still takes time to react to viruses,
bacteria, and abnormal cell mutations. If our bodies were able to immediately recognize and
attack invading microorganisms, we would not get sick from them at all. By keeping the immune
system in fighting order and assisting the body with this daily fight, we are fortifying and providing
the assistance it needs to keep up the battle. It is like keeping an army of soldiers who are in
daily battle supplied with the weapons to fight their battle
Transfer Factor Sends Your Immune System to College
Researchers have suggested that Transfer Factors evolved as a way of compensating for the
immune system’s slow humoral response to foreign substances, and those Transfer Factors are
normally found in all of our immune systems. Transfer Factors are tiny protein molecules. They
are much smaller than antibodies and serve as messengers for the immune system’s other major
type of response, the cell-mediated response, which involves white blood cells (leukocytes and
A researcher named H.S. Lawrence, using white blood cell extracts, proved in 1949 that an
immune response can be transferred via Transfer Factor from a human or animal host who test
positive for exposure to a specific antigen to a recipient who is test-negative. Early researchers
knew that an immune response had been transferred when they saw those persons who received
antigen-specific Transfer Factor become skin test positive for that antigen, whereas they had
been skin-test negative beforehand. The positive response, evidenced by skin irritation, proved
that the immune response occurred---that the immune system had gained knowledge of the
specific antigen.
The two basic concepts to understand about Transfer Factor are that, one, immune response can
be transferred, and, two, a Transfer Factor recipient gets an immune benefit without receiving any
antibodies. The Transfer Factor extracts contain no antibodies, only tiny, low molecular weight
What kind of immunological information, then, is transferred? Transfer Factor has been likened
to sending your cell-mediated immune system to college. The Transfer Factors can educate or
modulate a recipient’s immune system, teaching it to recognize these specific antigens and
communicating the knowledge that they are present.
What kind of immunological information, then, is transferred? Transfer Factor has been likened
to sending your cell-mediated immune system to college. The Transfer Factors can educate or
modulate a recipient’s immune system, teaching it to recognize these specific antigens and
communicating the knowledge that they are present.
Transfer factors may be beneficial for men, women, and children of all ages, but those most in
need are persons with a compromised or under-active immune system. Transfer factor is also
beneficial for prophylactic use if a person is concerned about contact with pathogens for which
transfer factor is available.